갤럭시 카메라 무음 SetEdit이나 앱 없이 adb 소리끄기 방법

Unzip the downloaded file anywhere, rename the folder adb and move it to the main drive, the C drive. (Check if the existing name says platform-tools.)Then press this part at the top to enable USB debugging and you’re done. Now, as I said before, connect it to your smartphone with a USB cable that can transfer data to your desktop or laptop. SDK Platform Tools, Command PromptsHello, I’m JD 🙂 These days, it’s become so convenient that anyone can easily take pictures and keep them as memories using a smartphone even if they don’t have a separate digital camera. Smartphones are mostly owned devices, and if you take a picture like this, you can edit or edit it later, and it’s easy to share it through Kakaotalk or Instagram, so I think it’s one of the best functions.However, since January 2004, in accordance with the policy of the Korea Information and Communication Technology Association (TTA), regulations have been established to generate more than 65 decibels in filming. As new regulations were created as a countermeasure against filming that the subject does not want, so-called hidden cameras, even if the vibration or manner mode is set, the sound of filming is “click” enough to take pictures.It may seem difficult, but it can be completed in a short period of time, so changing the reset setting back to silent after a system update is also an advantage of being able to quickly process again. If you’ve wanted to turn off the sound of the Galaxy camera depending on your personal preference or convenience, please refer to it and make it useful :)Written by JDThen, if you drag it down and go down, there is a place called ‘cell phone information’, and if you press it, you can see ‘software information’, so you can touch it and go in.Of course, such illegal/unauthorized filming is a crime that should be prevented, but there may be cases where you can’t take pictures before eating delicious food at a restaurant, or because you want to take pictures of clothes you want while shopping, but you can’t take pictures because you’re wary of employees and people around you. Of course, if you download and install a separate app such as Candy Camera, you can take a silent picture of the Galaxy Camera, but it’s inconvenient to find another app every time and turn it on, and there are also limitations on various settings such as the original setting and filtering, so it’s better to use the basic app even if you turn off the sound. How to set the silent setting of the Galaxy CameraNow, double-click Back to return to the first screen of the Settings menu, and at the bottom, there is a tab called ‘Developer Options’ that you didn’t see before, so press it.Download SDK Platform Tools Windows Now you need to find and install the SDK Platform Tool after turning on the Internet window on your PC. If you are having trouble finding a route or if you are new to it, please go through the link above to see the version that fits your operating system, and click Download to download the software and install it.Come back to the window and right-click the command prompt that says ‘CMD’ in the search bar at the bottom, and press ‘Run with Administrative Rights’.1) cd../..2) cd adv 3) adb devices 4) adb shell settings put system csc_pref_forced_shuttersound_key 0 White letters appear on a black screen that looks a little difficult now, but you don’t have to be afraid to enter the text written above in order to complete the silent setting of the Galaxy camera. If you want to bring out the sound of clicking again, you can write ‘key 0’ as ‘key 1’ at the end instead of typing the same thing again from the command prompt.Anyone with a USB-C type cable that can transfer data by connecting to a desktop PC or laptop can set the Galaxy camera silent, so I think I can easily complete turning off the sound by reading the contents slowly and proceeding step by step. Enable USB debuggingIf you’ve followed this far well, you can see the place called “Build Number” as above, and there are complex numbers and alphabet combinations below, and you don’t have to think hard about it, and you keep pressing it over and over again. If you press it, you’ll see how many more times you need to press it, and if you keep pressing it until the end while looking at the decreasing number, you’ll see the text, “I turned on developer mode.”